Mayo Clinic, University of Alberta and Toyota Technological Institute win the BioASQ prizes on biomedical QA (task 1b)

In task 1b of the first BioASQ challenge, participants were asked to answer questions that were provided by the BioASQ team of biomedical experts. This was done in two phases. In Phase A, participants were requested to provided articles, snippets, concepts and triples that are relevant for each given question, In phase B, they were asked to turn this information that originated in disparate sources into coherent answers. The questions were of different types, requiring correspondingly different types of answer.

The teams that topped the competition for each of the two phases of this task were:


Phase A: Retrieval of relevant documents, snippets, concepts, triples


First place:

Mayo Clinic team (Dongqing Zhu, Dingcheng Li, and Hongfang Liu)



Second Place:

University of Alberta - Wishart team (Yifeng Liu)


Phase B: Formation of answers

First Place:

University of Alberta - Wishart team (Yifeng Liu)

Second Place:

Toyota Technological Institute team (Kota Makise and Yutaka Sasaki)

We would like to thank and congratulate the winners, who will soon receive their awards and prizes.

If you want to find out how they did it, have a look at the workshop papers on the following page: