
Electronic Submission

Papers must be written in English and formatted according to the CLEF2021 instructions for Wokring Notes. There is no uper page limit, with regular papers required to have a length of at list 10 pages and short papers between 5-9 pages. 


The proceedings of the workshop will be distributed as CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( and the following copyright box must be included in each paper: "Copyright © CLEF 2021 – Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, September 21–24, 2021, Bucharest, Romania."


The LaTex template, with the copyright box included, is available here.


Paper submission is done via easychair:, in the easychair track: "Large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question answering (BioASQ)".

During your submission, please select the appropriate "Submission Topics" representing the BioASQ task(s) relevant to your paper. Also, please double-check that the information inserted in easychair is correct and complete and matches exactly to the corresponding information in your manuscript as this information is used for the procedings. This includes the author names, the order of author names, the paper title etc.


Anonymity: It is highly recommended to avoid explicitly revealing author identity in the initial submission.