Call For Participation: Fourth BioASQ Challenge On Large-Scale Biomedical Semantic Indexing And Question Answering

BioASQ challenge on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question answering

            part of the Joint Shared Task of the ACL 2016 BioNLP workshop, 

                         Humbold University, Berlin, Germany, 

       August 12: BioNLP workshop, August 13: Joint Shared Task workshop


                               Web site:


             BioNLP site:


The BioASQ challenge consists of two different tasks (Task 4a and Task 4b).

If you are interested in any of the following areas:

  • Large-scale and hierarchical classification
  • Machine learning
  • Semantic Indexing, semantic similarity

then you may want to participate in BioASQ Task 4a (large-scale biomedical semantic indexing).

More information at

If you are interested in any of the following areas:

  • Question answering from unstructured and structured data
  • Single and multi-document summarization
  • Information retrieval and passage retrieval
  • Semantic indexing, semantic similarity and reasoning
  • Machine learning, classification, learning to rank
  • Named-entity recognition and disambiguation
  • Information extraction, fact checking, relation extraction
  • Textual entailment
  • Natural-language generation

then you may want to participate in BioASQ Task 4b (biomedical semantic QA).

More information at

Important dates:

  • Task 4a: You can join anytime from February 8, 2016 onwards. New data sets will be released weekly.
  • Task 4b: You can join on ANY of the following dates:
    • March 9, 2016
    • March 23, 2016
    • April 6, 2016
    • April 20, 2016
    • May 4, 2016.

Detailed schedule at

Training data for both tasks available at