First Challenge Winners

Task 1a: Large-scale online biomedical semantic indexing

The teams that topped the competition for each batch were:


Batch 1 - first place: NCBI team (Yuqing Mao and Zhiyong Lu)

Batch 1 - second place: AUTH-ATYPON team (Grigorios Tsoumakas, Manos Laliotis, Nikos Markantonatos and Ioannis Vlahavas)


Grigorios Tsoumakas   M. Laliotis   N. Markantonatos     Ioannis P. Vlahavas  

Batch 2 - first place: AUTH-ATYPON team

Batch 2 - second place: NCBI team


Batch 3 - first place: AUTH-ATYPON team

Batch 3 - second place: NCBI team

Results at: 

Task 1b: Biomedical Semantic QA

The teams that topped the competition for each of the two phases of this task were:

Phase A: Retrieval of relevant documents, snippets, concepts, triples

Dongqing Zhu              

First place: Mayo Clinic team (Dongqing Zhu, Dingcheng Li, and Hongfang Liu)

Second Place: University of Alberta - Wishart team (Yifeng Liu)

Phase B: Formation of answers

Yifeng Liu

First Place: University of Alberta - Wishart team (Yifeng Liu)

Second Place: Toyota Technological Institute team (Kota Makise and Yutaka Sasaki)


Results at:


Additional Best Overall Contribution Award

In addition to the winners of the separate tasks, a special prize was awarded to University of Alberta - Wishart team (Yifeng Liu) that achieved the best overall contribution. The prize was sponsored by Transinsight.

Yifeng Liu