As in 2014, The CLEF 2015 Labs working notes will be published in the proceedings. The electronic Working Notes will be organised according to the Labs. If one group participates in more than one Lab, separate reports are to be submitted. Moreover, for those Labs that are subdivided in several tasks, separate reports for different task(s) are to be provided.
The publications will be divided into the following main sections (and sub-sections):
CLEF eHealth
Task 1 - Information Extraction from Clinical Data
- Task 1a - Clinical Speech Recognition
- Task 1b - Named Entity Recognition in Clinical Reports
- Task 2 - User-centered Health Information Retrieval
Task 1 - Information Extraction from Clinical Data
- Task 1 - Image Annotation
- Task 2 - Medical Classification
- Task 3 - Medical Clustering
- Task 4 - Liver CT Annotation
- Task 1: BirdCLEF - an audio record-based bird identification task
- Task 2: PlantCLEF - an image-based plant identification task
- Task 3: FishCLEF - a video-based fish identification task
Living Labs for IR (LL4IR)
- Task 1 – Product search and web search
NEWSREEL - News Recommendation Evaluation Lab
- Task 1 – Benchmark News Recommendations in a Living Lab
- Task 2 – Benchmarking News Recommendations in a Simulated Environment
PAN Lab - Uncovering Plagiarism, Authorship and Social Software Misuse
- Task 1: Plagiarism Detection
- Task 2: Author Identification
- Task 3: Author Profiling
QA - Question answering
- Task 1 – QALD: Question Answering over Linked Data
- Task 2 – Entrance Exams: Questions from reading tests
- Task 3 – BioASQ: Large-Scale Biomedical Semantic Indexing
- Task 4 – BioASQ: Biomedical Question answering
Social Book Search (SBS)
- Task 1 - Suggestion Track
- Task 2 – Interactive Track
When the author logs into easychair they will find a separate "Easychair Track" for each CLEF Lab and once they have selected the correct "Easychair Track" for their, as in the figure below.

Afterwards, in the paper upload form, after the keywords, authors will find a checklist with the "Submission Topics" corresponding to the different tasks in that Lab. Please mark one of them:

For each of the tasks in which they participated, groups are requested to submit a report describing their experiments.
After the review process, if the paper will have been accepted, authors will be requested to submit the Camera-Ready Version of the paper, according to the reviewers' recommendations.
For each Camera-ready paper’s submission, three items are required:
- Zip file containing all the submission sources
- PDF file of the submission (with no page headers/footers/page numbers)
- PDF file with the scanned and signed copyright agreement (otherwise, the submission will not be published in the final working notes).
Paper Submission
Submission of papers is to be done electronically through the Easychair system.
Using EasyChair for Paper Submission
- Authors must log in using their own username and password. If you don't already have an Easychair account, you will find the instructions to obtain one on the same page.
- Once you have logged in, click on "New Submission", select the correct Lab/Track and Group/Task and then follow the instructions to submit your paper.
Please remember that the strict deadline for receiving the final electronic versions of all papers is:
- Working Notes Papers due 7th June 2015 11:59 pm - midnight - Central European Summer Time. This is a STRICT DEADLINE.
- CEUR-WS Camera Ready Working Notes Papers due 15th July 2015, 11:59 pm - midnight - Central European Summer Time. This is a STRICT DEADLINE.
Copyright Form
During the upload of the Camera-Ready version of the accepted papers, a scanned and signed version of the CLEF copyright form must be uploaded with the source and PDF files of the submission (otherwise the submission will not be published in the final working notes).
The working notes papers are technical reports written in English and describing the participating systems and the conducted experiments. They should provide, at least, the following information:
- Title
- Authors
- Affiliations
- Email addresses of all authors
Body of text. This should contain information on:
- analysis of the results
- results obtained
- resources employed
- approach(es) used and progress beyond state-of-the-art
- main objectives of experiments
- tasks performed
- perspectives for future work
The papers must be formatted according to Springer Instructions for Authors, whose Word and Latex templates are available at:
The paper should not exceed 12 pages (but as they are published only electronically, the length is not too important).
Get the above instructions in PDF: